Laboratory diagnostics
- Clinical chemistry
- ECLIA systems
- ELISA/EIA systems
- Express diagnostics
- Hematology & hemostaz
- HLA & transplantation
- Immunohistochemistry
- Immunology & allergology
- Clinical diagnostics
- Laboratory equipment
- Laboratory consumables & accessories
- Microbiology
- Molecular diagnostics
- Point of care
- Urine analysis
- Food&feed analysis
- Veterinary diagnostics
- Scientific investigations & education
- Environment
- Quality control
- Pure chemical reagents
- Medical equipment
HumaStar 200 clinical chemistry analyzer
Up to 200 tests per hour throughput
60 positions: primary tubes 12–12.5x100 mm
30 reagent / diluent positions
Reaction volume: 210–350 µl
Needle shock detector
8-step cuvette wash station
9 discrete wavelengths (340, 405, 505, 546, 578, 600, 650, 700 nm, one free position)
Water consumption < 1 l/h (8 ml/test)